Slots Discord Bot
Posted : admin On 7/24/2022Gambling and Casino bot. Play roulette, slots, blackjack, poker, minesweeper, connect 4, anagram, tic tac toe and more! Home Join Discord. A slot machine; Todo. More games and stuff; About. A card games Discord bot. Discord-js discord-akairo discord-bot Resources. MIT License Releases No releases published.
- Killa item [itemname] (Displays item price and how many slots it takes doesn't have to be exact name)
- Killa ammo (Displays all the ammo types with how to use)
- Killa ammo [ammo type] (Shows the stats of the ammo sorted by highest damage, you can also end the command with -dmg to sort by damage)
- Killa maps (Displays all the maps with how to use)
- Killa map [map] (Displays the map with escape routes)
- Killa key [Key name] (Display what door it will open and whats behind the door)
- Killa bosses (Display all the bosses)
- Killa boss [bossname name] (Display what door it will open and whats behind the door)
- Killa weapon [Weapon name] (Will show modded weapon also works with 'mod' instead of weapon)
- Killa quest [Quest name] (Displays information about quest and reward)
Working on following:
- Killa backpack [back pack name] (Will display stats and slots for item)
- Killa armor [armor name] (Will display stats for item)
- Killa tacrig [tactical rig name] (Will display stats for item)
Items search
Slot Bot Discord Invite
Weapon mods
Discord Slot Bot Commands
Quests information
Amelia is a brand new discord bot that is made to cover everything in your server. From moderation, to a currency system, music, and even fun games. Invite the bot to your server to get started.
Bot global prefix is * For Help Related To A Particular Command Type - *help [command name alias]
Economy [21] - addmoney, balance ,beg ,buy, daily, deposit, fish, leaderboard, pay, profile, removemoney, rob, roulette, sell, setbackground ,setinfo, slots, store, weekly, withdraw, work,
Fun [9] - coinflip, meme ,motivation, roast, say ,soundboard ,tts
Games [12] - akinator ,blackjack ,connectfour, duelquiz, gunfight, horserace, memory ,poker, rps, russianroulette, tictactoe, trivia
Image [17] - avatar ,avatarfusion, captcha ,clyde ,facepalm ,fire, gif ,jail ,love ,mission, phcomment, rip ,scary ,tobecontinued, triggered ,tweet ,wasted
Info [16] - channelinfo, help ,invites,i nvite ,level ,ping ,poll ,roleinfo, rolememberinfo ,serverinfo, uptime ,weather ,whois ,wikipedia
Moderation [22] - addrole, ban ,disablemodlogchannel ,disablemuterole, disableverification ,disablewelcomechannel, disablexp, kick ,mute, purge ,removerole ,setmodlogchannel, setmuterole, setnick ,setprefix ,setverification, setwelcomechannel, setxp, unban, unmute, verify ,warn
Music [19] - join ,leave, loop, lyrics, musictrivia ,nowplaying, pause ,play ,queue, remove ,resume, search ,shuffle ,skip, skipall ,skipto, stop, stopmusictrivia, volume
Slot Bot Command List
Owner [3] - eval ,getinvite, serverlist
Slot Discord Bot
Phone [4] - hangup ,phonebook, phonecall ,setphonechannel