Ocasion Spanish To English

Posted : admin On 7/11/2022

Ocasion Spanish To English Dictionary

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
occasion opportunity time chance once case event juncture cause bargain
during ocasión able


aprovechar esta ocasión615
para la ocasión574
con ocasión del día474
Ayúdales preparando a las chicas para la ocasión.
Help them out by preparing the girls for the occasion.
Diferentemente será la enésima ocasión perdida para nuestro País .
Otherwise it will be the umpteenth occasion lost for our Country .
Una magnífica ocasión para reflexionar sobre nuestra colaboración.

Occasion Spanish To English Google Translate

It's a great opportunity to reflect on our partnership.
Es una ocasión única de entender la cultura colombiana.
It is a unique opportunity to understand more about Colombian culture.
La ocasión requiere paciencia, comprensión y comunicación.
This is a time for patience, understanding, and communication.
El chef español Juan Luis Fernández visita Ecuador por tercera ocasión.
Ecuadornews: Spanish chef Juan Luis Fernández visits Ecuador for the third time.
But she's somehow too nervous for the occasion.
This will give you an opportunity to testify.
Aprovecho esta ocasión dramática del huracán para plantearlo.
I take this dramatic occasion of the hurricane to raise this point.
Tendremos ocasión de estudiarlo más plenamente a continuación.
We will have occasion to see it more fully presently.
I there had an opportunity to bear my testimony.
On that occasion, I sent a special Message.
Hay siempre una ocasión especial para descubrir el Hotel Bristol...
There is always a special occasion to discover The Bristol Palace Hotel...
Esta sería una buena ocasión para minimizarme el impacto.
That would have been a good time for you to soften the blow.
Just waiting for a proper occasion to celebrate.
I was saving it for the right occasion.
Pero también debemos afrontar esta ocasión con espíritu de reconciliación.
But it is also right that we should approach this occasion in a spirit of reconciliation.
Some of them would take advantage of the opportunity.
I'm calling to celebrate a momentous occasion.
We don't need an occasion to drink.
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Ocasion Spanish To English
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en otra ocasión1149
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Ocasion Spanish To English Translation

cualquier ocasión

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Ocasion Spanish To English

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Spanish To English Translation

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